Sunday, December 20, 2009

First big snow!

Hmm...what does this feel like
She loved being pulled around in the sled

"keep going, Dada!"

Getting the job done!

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Abigail turns 1!!!

Chilling in our new rocking chair
So many new toys! She gave each one equal time and enjoyment.

Blue smash cake with a goldfish on it

I can walk! (with help)

Driving in her new car

Her new pet goldfish - named Will. Our cousin Will named him for us!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I was a purple flower for Halloween!
I love playing outside in the leaves!!!

We loved to play with the pumpkins and ghost.

Kitty Cat is her favorite thing ever.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Lots of new toys to play with at Mame's house!

Taking a rest after moving into our new house in Pittsburgh!

Our last dinner in DC

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Hard Work

Mommy was busy trying to get the new house ready to move into, and I just couldn't take it any more!
We finally met our second cousin, Kendall! She is only two weeks younger than Abigail.

It took Abigail a little while to warm up to her new friend.

Yesmina decided that she needed a 'do rag to keep the sun off her bald head.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Grandpap's surprise birthday party!

Prime seat next to the guest of honor. Grandpap taught us lots of new tricks while we were visiting his house.

Fun on the Farm

Our first petting zoo ... although we didn't actually touch anything

Tom's entire family at the reunion!

We preferred to keep a little distance.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

4th of July

My little firecracker

Sand became a favorite snack

Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day

We had some great quality time with Dad.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Memorial Day weekend at the Farm

I just love this picture of Abigail playing in the grass with the mountains in the background. This is actually the first time we've been able to sit and play in grass. We don't have any grass in our back here in Washington. It was a beautiful weekend!

Exploring the kiddie pool...first time swimming. She had a great time.

The big pool wasn't filled, so we got a bunch of kiddie pools so that all the little ones could splash around. It was really hot and we all needed to cool off.

Aunt Rhodora and Baby Andrew with Tom and Abigail.

We had just given Grandma D that picture of Abigail to the left of her. They were match-to-match that day

Kate blowing bubbles on her 3rd birthday