Tuesday, February 17, 2009

President's Day Reunion

All the girls gathered for a shower for Baby Brown due in June.
Mike showed us how somestimes a third arm can come out of the Snuggie

Erin and Ben showed us how versatile the Snuggie can be.

Kyle definitely has a foot fetish

We had so much fun hanging out with all the Hooterville girls and babies up at the farm over the weekend. Abigail had the best time meeting Baby Will Beekman, Baby Kyle Cicak and Annie Beekman who taught her how to be a big girl.

Playing Bananagrams.

Warming ourselves in front of the bonfire

Abigail's first time in the Bumbo! She really liked it. She is wearing her Valentine's Day outfit that her cousins Will and Tanner sent to her.

Lauren is getting excited for her little girl! She and Patrick got a lot of practice with little ones this weekend.

Annie and Abigail had fun playing with Patrick and telling him how to be a good Daddy to little girls...he'll get his real test when his baby is born in June!

Warm and toasty in front of the bonfire

Abigail was a good sport about being so bundled up, she wasn't really loving it.