Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Memorial Day weekend at the Farm

I just love this picture of Abigail playing in the grass with the mountains in the background. This is actually the first time we've been able to sit and play in grass. We don't have any grass in our back here in Washington. It was a beautiful weekend!

Exploring the kiddie pool...first time swimming. She had a great time.

The big pool wasn't filled, so we got a bunch of kiddie pools so that all the little ones could splash around. It was really hot and we all needed to cool off.

Aunt Rhodora and Baby Andrew with Tom and Abigail.

We had just given Grandma D that picture of Abigail to the left of her. They were match-to-match that day

Kate blowing bubbles on her 3rd birthday

1 comment:

Brown Family said...

I just cannot believe how smily Abigail is!!! I'm sure you're used to it, but it is just so incredible! What baby is always smiling at the camera?? She is the sweetest!